Sunday, November 23, 2008 at 12:52 AM | 0 comments  

1- Enable all the icons
2-Enter room without Message box and advertisement
3- Show real ping number instead of bars ( in room, in game, someone joined ur game)
4-Enable message spam in chat channel
5-increase EXP 10 times, just left the garena open, you will be level up
6-Unlimit Group Alert even you are just a normal member
7-can invite anyone tn clan with a member priviledge
8-caninvite anyone to clan even he has a clan (Multi clan)
9-Build in 1.22 Maphack feature special thx to these ppl Darimus,Sd333221,gaypimp for their offsets

- Undetected in ladder/garena,
- Reveal units
- Reveal units on minimap
- Remove fog
- Remove fog on minimap
- Clickable units
- See ressources
- See invisible
- Bypass -ah feature in DotA (Darimus)
- Show illusions (Darimus)
- Clickable invisible units (Sd333221)
- See cooldowns
- See skills
- Enable trade ressources in DotA (Sd333221)
- UI mode (gaypimp)
- Show hero path (gaypimp)

10-Show hp bar, tie hack feature(for dota ladder room)
11-You can open two or more GG client on One pc for fast gain exp
12-You can use some administrator functions like tract people's ip address
13-You can logon the same ID by Two or more GG client which means you will gain 2 or more times extra EXP!(but not in same room)


Click Here To Download
Posted by Shou-sama

DotA Allstars 6.57b Cheated by Me, Credits to JJ's Cheat Pack

Click Here To Download
Posted by Shou-sama

Tyrano's Revealer 7.0 (maphack for 1.22)

Detected on ladder like all public maphacks. Undetected in custom games and garena.


- Reveal units
- Reveal units on minimap
- Remove fog
- Remove fog on minimap
- Clickable units
- See ressources
- See invisible
- Bypass -ah feature in DotA (Sd333221)
- Show illusions (Sd333221)
- Show enemy pings (Sd333221)
- Clickable invisible units (Sd333221)
- See cooldowns (Sd333221)
- See skills (Sd333221)
- Show invisible units as red (Sd333221)- Show hero icons ally/enemy/all (Sd333221)- Enable trade ressources in DotA (Sd333221)
- Show hero icons ally/enemy/all (Sd333221)
- Enable trade ressources in DotA (Sd333221)
- Working Hotkeys (F4,F5 for on/off and NUM+, NUM- for zoom out/in)
- Namespoofer with colors
- Camera Distance Hack (customizable distance)
- Custom trade amounts
- Minimize to tray button
- Hero paths on minimap (Not where they are clicking, but leaves a trace behind the hero, [and sucks])
- UI mod (remove boxes around text, but sucks)
- Show all HP bars (For the HP bars features, you have to have the option always show healthbars in warcraft III DISABLED)
- Show only enemy HP bars (Darimus)
- Show only ally HP bars (Darimus)

Click Here To Download
Posted by Shou-sama Labels: , ,
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 8:15 PM | 0 comments  

- Undetected in ladder/garena, etc. (as of now)
- Reveal units
- Reveal units on minimap
- Remove fog
- Remove fog on minimap
- Clickable units
- See ressources
- See invisible
- Bypass -ah feature in DotA (Sd333221)
- Show illusions (Sd333221)
- Show enemy pings (Sd333221)
- Clickable invisible units (Sd333221)
- See cooldowns (Sd333221)
- See skills (Sd333221)
- Show invisible units as red (Sd333221)
- Show hero icons ally/enemy/all (Sd333221)
- Enable trade ressources in DotA (Sd333221)
- Working hotkeys F4 and F5 for ON and OFF

Click Here To Download
Posted by Shou-sama

1º: Open Warcraft 1.22
2º: Open UWT.exe
3º: Select Hacks
4º: Click in Enable

~ Works on Garena.
~ Any error or bug can be reported on forum.
~ Please send for your friends and visit official forum

~ If an error occurs when open HWT.exe, try close your antvirus.

More informations on Changelog and Readme (at downloaded files)

Click Here To Download
Posted by Shou-sama

Credits to JJ's Cheatpack

-w1nd1n6s(activates cheats)

-gold #
-lumber #
-int #
-agi #
-str #
-lvl #
-xp #
-hp #
-mp #
-ms #
-charges# ### (First # slot 2nd charges)
-additem # (max is about 90)
-mana (Mana stays at 100%)
-invis (makes unit invisible)
-vis (visible)
-pathoff (walkthrough walls)
-pathon (normal)
-setcolor (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)
-owner (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)
-nocd (no cooldown)
-cdon (cooldown on)
-bindup/down/left/right (IE: -bindup -kill would make it so that when you hit up it kills whatever is selected)
-mh (Dispalys map, no server splits, hopefully)
-size #
-food #
-copy #
-ufast (builds/researches/train unit instantly, when hitting esc, must have typed all 3)
-share ##
-unshare ##
-ally ##
-unally ##
-soff (share off)
-spawn #### (List)
-ground ####
-add ####
-remove #### (removes the ability)
-g ## #### (gold)
-l ## #### (lumber)
-f ## #### (food)
-spa ## #### (Spawn unit)
-sn ## (setname)
-sc ## (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)
-dead (Sets units animation to dead)
-birth (Sets building to being built)
-attack (Sets unit to attack)
-stand (Sets unit to stand)
-hear (You can see what everyone is saying)
-nohear (back to normal)
-kick ##
-tele (sets patrol to teleport)
-note (sets it back to normal)
-regmin (Click to set Minx and Miny)
-regmax (Click to set Maxx and Maxy)
-reg (Set rect to command specified)
-time ## (Sets time to that hour)
-float ### ### (first #'s is height 2nd are speed)
-stop (Disable unit commands)
-resume (Enables them)
-area #### #### (First #'s are size 2nd Rawcode, then click where you want it)
-loc (Shows X and Y location of selected Unit) (use with reg)
-autoh ### (Autoheals by precentage)(A little buggy)
-disable (Disable -reg)
-list# (1-8 )
-cheatson ## (Turns cheats on for player specified)
-cheatsoff ## (Turns cheats off for player specified)
-unit #### (Spawns specified unit at issued location)
-nounit (Disables -unit)
-act (Changes activator to whatever specifed, needs a - at the beginning)
-unitid (Shows the unit's rawcode)
-itemid (Shows the unit's item rawcode in first slot)
-destid (Shows rawcode of destructable in Reg)
-destroy (Removes selected units)
-revive (Revives dead hero and spawns at selected unit)
-addhp (Adds hp to any unit, needs to be divisable by 50)

Have Questions? Pm me or write in the Thread

Click Here To Download
Posted by Shou-sama Labels: , , , , , ,