Saturday, August 2, 2008
11:26 PM
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Monday, July 28, 2008
8:18 AM
Info: Can't Use your Bot because of GG/Game guard? well click the link below to See How to Bypass it and how to Speed Hack!!! Click here for the Tutorial
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Info: Credits to Doomcard of Gzp dota 6.53 with cheats by doomcard power trigger hello guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! password : -don then type this codes even in allies or all -ma -clear -clear default cooldown -weather off Reveal Map -weather on Default Map -di -cson -csoff -ms -- disable replay hope you guys enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sunday, July 27, 2008
2:13 AM
Info: Credits to Fai & Initial D ================================================= Version 1.9 Cheat available: ================== //Fai's cheat pack written by initialD //Fai's cheat pack hacked by initialD ( Password: Type password to activate cheat commands and disable replay. A total 53 cheat commands. Include the dot on your cheat commands where necessary. X is amount required of the cheat command. X could be negative figures or zero. If you didn't insert a number for X, it would be taken as 0 in most of the time. # is player(com or human) colour code(1-16). * is human player colour code(1-12). Read the note on the bottom for details Funny stuff: If you type the password twice, you will be scolded. If you insert an invalid player code, you will be teased. Note: Host should always use "cf." and "cb.all" before quit game to avoid memory leakings. =================================================== Commands: ================================================== Basic commands (13x commands) -------------- cl. : access a brief Fai's command list cc. : see human player colour codes list go.X : add X gold to you (will not change gold resource in the out-game-chart) *go.X : add X gold to player *.(see NOTE below) (see also feature no.6) lb.X : add X lumber. (will not change wood resourse in the out-game-chart) *lb.X : add X gold to player *.(see NOTE below) (see also feature no.6) ri.: remove all items which are on ground @bt.* : instanly boot(kick) player *, yet other players will see him as an AFKer for a random duration (between 1 to @ seconds), until the leaving message appears Note: @ could be 1-99. If you don't insert a number in front of "bt.", it will set the afk duration in between 1 sec to 3 mins. Eg. "60bt.8" : kick player pink. He will be being an afker for less than 1 min (60secs), before the leaving message appears. bt.13 : The unlucky number 13!This command will instantly kick all players including you! Don't try this at home. LoL Functions (23x commands) --------- tp. : patrol(hotkey P) becomes teleport tp : close tp. *tp.: activate tp. for player* *tp : close tp. for player* im. : activate infinte mana (with an illusion) im : close im. *im.: activate im. for player* *im : close im. for player* rf. : hold position(hotkey H) becomes refresh spells rf : close rf. *rf.: activate rf. for player* *rf : close rf. for player* mh. : activate maphack for you yourself only. (not your teammate. It explores teammate minimap though) mh : close mh. *mh.: activate mh. for player* *mh : close mh. for player* te.# : add a tertiary eye, to see player #'s units including invisible units te.all: add a tertiary eye to see all units. te : close the tertiary eye *te.# : add a tertiary eye for player* *te.all: player* can see all units *te : close the tertiary eye of player* cf : close all functions which activated by you (use this command at the end of the game to avoid memory leaking) All commands for function closing will take less than 3 secs Confirmation message will appear. Spaces are not allowed for command which closes function. (eg. use "3tp", not "3 tp" to close tp. for player 3) Modifying Units (16x commands) --------------- These commands work on the unit(s) you've selected! X is required amount. X could be negative: -X as.X : add X points to hero's stats. (ie. +str +agi +int) sp.X : add X skill points (ie:can pick more spells) sp. : remove all skill points st.X : set strength to X ag.X : set agility to X it.X : set inteligence to X ms.X : add up X movement speed (doesn't stacked) ms. : set unit's movement speed back to default lv.X : set hero level to X(will not have level up flash) hp.X : set hit point to X hp.. : kill selected unit(s) mp.X : set mana point to X iv. : invulnerable vl. : vulnerable di.X : drop X random items (minimal 1 item) (maximum 99 items to avoid lagginess) ci.X : copy items X times from the top left inventory slot (minimal 1 item) (maximum 99 times to avoid lagginess) @ci. : copy an item from slot @ Note: @ is slot number.They are 0-5. Counted from left to right, top to bottom. 0 1 2 3 4 5 Buffs (4x commands) ----- Select ONE unit before you use the following command! X for "rg." could be decimal X could have 6 more digits after the dot. (ie. 0.123456) rg.X : add a regeneration buff, Xhp & Xmp regeneration per second (stackable) eg: "rg.1.225" adds 1.225 regeneration every second to the unit you've selected pu.X : power up buff. Each X point of pu. will provide +1 str(stacked) +1 agi(stacked) +1 int(stacked) +4 movement speed(doesn't stacked) +0.25 Hp regeneration +0.25 Mp regeneration rb : remove cheated buffs on the unit you've selected. rball: remove all cheated buffs added by you,including buffs in your own units and other units as well (this command doesn't require unit selection) (use "rball" command at the end of the game to avoid all memory leaking) All commands for removing buffs will take less than 1 sec Do not change your unit selection before the confirmation message appears. Note: Movement speed bonus doesn't stacked. The new bonus will replace the old one. Removing pu. buff will also remove the bonus movement speed you have set with "ms." command Note: Negative regeneration works like a poisoned buff Note: "pu.5" would be enough in DotA, more than that would be obvious! "pu.5"= +5stats,+1.66 hp/mp regeneration & +20ms ====================================================== NOTE :About player's codes 1) #or* are player colour codes. They are 1 Red, 2 Blue, 3 Teal, 4 Purple, 5 Yellow, 6 Orange, 7 Green, 8 Pink, 9 Gray, 10 Lightblue, 11 Darkgreen and 12 Brown. Notice that there are no human player 1 and player 7 in DotA. 2)Example :"bt.9" or "bt. 9" will kick player grey. Example : "8go.500" or "8 go. 500" will give player pink extra 500 gold. "8go.-500" or "8 go. -500" will reduce pink's gold by 500. Example : "3te.13" or "3 te. 13: now player teal will be able to see Roshan and neutral creeps. 3)If a player insert an invalid code for #or*, the player colour code will pop up as a reminder. =====================================================
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